For more than three decades, the Sarlo Family Foundation has championed wellbeing.

For more than three decades, the Sarlo Family Foundation has championed wellbeing.

As human beings, the conditions we are born and raised in shape us in profound ways. Many come into this world forced to navigate trauma, violence, inequity, and disconnection. And yet, through strong relationships, places to belong, and a sense of purpose, we may all rise to our full potential.

The Sarlo family includes Holocaust survivors, immigrants, and refugees. We are entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, philanthropists, and parents. A family hurt—and more importantly, helped—by people with whom they had no prior recognizable connection.

For over three decades, the George Sarlo Foundation has been committed to increasing the well-being of others. In its new incarnation, the Sarlo Family Foundation is focusing this work on youth.

We believe wellbeing is the underpinning of a more healthy and just society. Guided by a combination of head and heart, and in partnership with experts in the field, we listen to youth and lift up strategies and programs creating transformational change in communities.

Foundation Team

Board president

executive director

board secretary